Idea Generators | Content Creators | Experience Makers

We’re a woman-owned boutique firm based in Atlanta that specializes in the interior design and architecture industry, helping creative communities define their brands, elevate their authenticity, and determine the most effective strategies for reaching prospective clients, partners, media, and more. With a passion for creativity, our clients, and authentic storytelling, we play to our strengths and celebrate our individuality—and trust us when we say our backgrounds are as diverse as they come.

Differentiate Your Brand

We find out what sets you and your brand apart. Others may be doing the same thing, but they are not doing it the same way. How you do your work is the key to telling your story.

Define Your Success

We define what success means to you. There are a million different paths to being a success, but none will be right unless they fulfill your definition and mission. We eliminate comparison and focus on your path. 

Refine Your Audience

We prioritize outreach efforts, so you are engaging with your preferred community of clients, partners, and colleagues to create a network that is mutually beneficial and sustainable.

Share Your Story

From press relations and social media to speaking engagements, awards, monographs, and partnership opportunities, we examine traditional and unconventional channels where we can share your story in meaningful and memorable ways.

Meet the Founder


Melissa Wilson

For more than 25 years, Melissa Wilson has provided comprehensive marketing and PR services for nationally-acclaimed residential and commercial design firms and brands including the Atlanta Decorative Arts Center (ADAC), Harrison Design, HOK, and more.  From interior designers and architects to landscape designers, artisans, and makers, Melissa is a connector, storyteller, and advocate for imaginative minds and inventive products that help people live better and more beautiful lives.